W.I.N.K. : Married Couples Ministry

About W.I.N.K.

Vision for W.I.N.K.: To build strong, vibrant, loving and committed relationships for married couples at Tabernacle Alive St. Louis.

Mission for W.I.N.K.: To give couples the tools they need to come ALIVE in their marriage.

Goal for W.I.N.K.: Our goal is to teach couples the fundamentals of marriage and what it means according to the Word of God and not according to the standard of the world’s system.

The Married Couples Ministry at TASTL provides opportunities for married couples to grow a deeper understanding of each other through counseling sessions, workshops, and travel experiences. Tabernacle Alive St. Louis is committed to supporting married couples on their journey through life together. It is our hope that a man and woman show love through action, communication, support, and prayer for one another.

  • Sessions designed to help men and women become the best version of who God has called them to be. We dedicate time for women and men to gather and learn about being a wife and a husband from Biblical Standard.

  • Married couples can schedule counseling sessions with our Lead Pastor and his wife the Executive Pastor to talk about how we can help you discover your marriage needs.

  • ROAD TRIP!!! We love to travel with our married couples and get them away from it all! These experiences allow couples the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of their relationships and to spend some quality time with each other.