the power of forgiveness & letting go


In life, we all face obstacles and challenges that can hinder our progress and hold us back from reaching our goals. However, there is a powerful solution that can lead to breakthroughs and success - forgiveness. In this blog, we will explore the biblical principles of forgiveness and the importance of letting go. By understanding these concepts, you can experience true freedom and find your path to victory.

The Place of Breakthrough

In the book of 2 Samue 5:20, the Bible tells us about David's victory over his enemies. It says, "So David went to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there; and he said, “The Lord has broken through my enemies before me, like a breakthrough of water.” Therefore, he called the name of that place Baal-perazim." This passage teaches us an important lesson - wherever we defeat our enemy is the place of our breakthrough.

Often, we shy away from facing our challenges head-on, avoiding the very place where our breakthrough awaits. But if we want to experience victory, we must be willing to step into that place and war in the spirit so that our breakthrough will happen. So, let us declare in the name of Jesus that we will no longer avoid our breakthrough but embrace it with courage and determination.

Walking Through Hindrances

The Bible uses the metaphor of floods to illustrate the obstacles and hindrances we face in life. Sometimes, we have to walk through what is frustrating, depressing, or oppressing us. Just like the Israelites had to walk through the Red Sea before experiencing their victory, we too must press on until we reach our breakthrough.

It's important to remember that the waters may not part immediately, but once we reach the sea, something has to happen. Victory is within our reach if we have the faith and perseverance to keep going. So, let us fix our eyes on the prize and press forward, knowing that our breakthrough is right in front of us.

The Battle of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is important. In the book of 2 Samuel, 5:21, it says, "And they left their images there, and David and his men carried them away" Forgiveness is indeed a crucial part of our journey towards breakthrough. Forgiveness requires strength and maturity. It is the attribute of the strong, as Gandhi once said. When we forgive, we do not exonerate the person who hurt us, but rather, we liberate ourselves from the burden of resentment and anger. Holding onto grudges only hinders our own progress and keeps us from experiencing true freedom.

The Power of Letting Go

Letting go means looking past the offense and showing favor, freely giving and exercising grace. It means pardoning and releasing from the penalty. One example of letting go is found in the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis. Despite his brothers' betrayal and the evil they did to him, Joseph chose to forgive them. He looked past their transgressions and showed them mercy. By doing so, he not only freed himself from resentment but also revived his relationship with his brothers.

Living in Forgiveness

To truly live in forgiveness, we must learn to be even-tempered, content with second place, and quick to forgive offenses. We should forgive as quickly and completely as God forgave us. This means not only saying that we forgive someone but also demonstrating it through our actions and attitudes.

Living in forgiveness also requires us to look past the offenses committed against us. We must show favor and extend grace, just as God has shown us His grace. By doing so, we release ourselves from the bondage of anger and resentment, allowing God's love to flow freely through us.


In conclusion, forgiveness and letting go are powerful tools that can lead us to breakthrough and victory. By embracing forgiveness and choosing to let go of past hurts and offenses, we open ourselves up to the freedom and blessings that God has in store for us.

Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. As we strive to be strong and mature individuals, let us practice forgiveness and release ourselves from the burden of resentment. In doing so, we create space for God's love and blessings to flow abundantly in our lives.

So, let us make a commitment today to forgive quickly and completely, to look past offenses, and to live in the freedom that comes from letting go. As we do, we will experience the power of forgiveness and find true breakthroughs in our lives.

Pastor James Massenberg


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